Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This is soooo cute ! Several times Vania would try to carry things on her head around the hotel room. Sometimes even getting them to actually balance for a split second. A lot of women in Haiti carry things on their head like baskets of produce , items they are selling or large grain bags.It always amazes me at the grace & the poise they have while walking with these huge heavy objects on their head. Here we balance books on our head to practice perfect posture. In Haiti they use this skill not to walk the runway but carry heavy loads through the busy streets for survival.
Important update on Tiffany. She has brought some unwanted firends home from Haiti. The doctor says she has scabies & a tropical virus. Your prayers for a quick recovery would be appreciated. I am so grateful she made the trip with me. She was a great blessing !
I will keep you posted,


R AND R AND Z said...

She is too cute. Sorry to hear about your sister.

David and Candice said...

we will keep her in our prayers keep us updated. Vania is such a cutie!-Candice

Pete and Mare said...

It was such a pleasure to spend time with you three. Your sister is such a doll. At nights when we had prayer Abbie would always say, "Please bless Baammbii and Tifony" lol We all love you guys very much! Great big hug, ~Mare

P.s. I am so sorry that Tiffany is sick. I think we may have caught the same things. I am still trying to recover from our trip. Trial date for our foster kiddos is October 16th please pray for us. us. :)

Meltmomma said...

Pete & Mare,
We will definitely be praying that everything will run smoothly ! Hope you start feeling better :)

Tia said...

I hope Tiffany feels better soon!! It's never fun to bring back more than your luggage!

mlg said...

Oh sorry to hear about Tiff I am glad she found out early that she has scabies it is much easier to treat! Hope she feels better soon she is such a great person tell her we are sending her our love and hope she gets better quick!

lonnieloree said...

Yep- Tif brought home some bugs but I think she left her heart in Haiti! Vania's a sweetheart- all your pics are so cute!