Today Adam and I made the decision to pull our dossier from China. Adam and I seriously started investigating adoption in January of 2007. By May we had started the paperwork for China and by fall we had our dossier logged in with the CCAA. Wait times began to grow( I think they are now estimating up to a 4 year wait) . Our agency had to close all out of state branches due to hard economic times. We placed ourselves on the special needs /waiting child list only to find out a short time later that our agency had not been Hague approved therefore the CCAA had put a hold on their waiting child program as well. We were going no where!
Last fall in 2008 we decided to start weighing out our options. I started looking around at agency's that allowed you to view their waiting child lists with out filling out an application. Remember, we had just funded the first part of the China adoption so we could not just go around investing a lot of money in other agencies. And we prayed!
Well our prayers were answered. I happened to find the Wasatch site while looking for agencies working with Taiwan and what popped up , but Haiti waiting children. Then she caught my eye. Little Witchina ( Callia Grace, our Haitian angel ). I immediately contacted Wasatch and the rest is history.
And then we prayed even harder. How were we going to be able to afford starting the process all over? Well God answered that question too. But he waited for us to make the decision to proceed first. Once we decided to take that step of faith, God provided. Adam was literally pulled into his bosses office the next day and offered a promotion we were not expecting. We felt recharged and ready to give it another go!
We thought we would keep our dossier in China until we had our paperwork done and submitted to Haiti. Well that is done now and I have been feeling like it is time to close that chapter of our adoption journey. I would have never thought almost two years ago we would be adopting from Haiti. I have said before that I tend to be directionally impaired. Sometimes it takes a couple of u-turns to get me going in the right direction. But, we couldn't be happier than to be on the road we are on now! Haiti or Bust.
What a inspiring story, it seems we are all pointed into the right direction!
Wow I couldnt Imagine how hard that was but sometimes we have to struggle before we get a blessing.Glad to have you guys on the Journey with us.
It is so interesting to see what happens between "where we are" and "where He needed us to be". We're the same way - kinda 3-4 point turn kind of people instead of getting in the right direction from the beginning!
Glad things have "settled".
I love hearing how families are guided to their children. What a sweet post. Thanks! ~ Mare
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