Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
This is an Emergency
I'm not a part of this particular organization who put this video together, but it is a great reflection of the needs of the children of Haiti. The children of Haiti have touched me deeply, I hope you are touched as well:)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Home from Haiti
My sister & I arrived home safe & sound Saturday evening. We woke up at 4:15am Saturday morning to see Vania off. A little after 5:00 Am Harry ( an adoption facilitator that works with our orphanage ) brought the van to the hotel to take the kids back to the O . It is never easy to say goodbye. Tiffany was able to ride with Harry & another adoptive parent to the O to help with the little ones so she held Vania on her lap. Vania was quiet until I made the mistake of coming around to the window to say goodbye one last time. Then she cried mama all the way out of the parking lot :( So sad. But Tiff said about 5 minutes later all the kids quieted down & were excited
to show off their new stuff to their friends when they arrived back at the O.
Everyone survived at home while I was away. Adam did a great job with the kids ! He admitted though that Friday he drank 4 Dr. peppers ( which he has been trying to cut back on pop ). Now I think he can appreciate my need for Starbucks :) Thanks also to Adam's mom Brenda for helping out after school ! I know Adam was grateful for the help & good food !
Another amazing trip has ended. I woke up in the middle of the night Saturday & missed Vania snuggled up beside me. Can't wait to see her again. Time to switch gears for now & get back into the swing of things . Home sweet home.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Last day in Haiti
It is a bittersweet day. Our last day in Haiti then tomorrow we head back home. I feel torn. Ready to go back to my family & all the amenities of home and not wanting to leave Vania here. I'm tuly grateful for the time Tiff & I have had to spend with her. I feel like we've grown even closer this trip as mother & daughter.
Vania has been just talking up a storm in Creole. She will repeat ( & pretty well ) anything we say in English. As far as the communication barrier this trip has proved to me once again that love transcends all boundaries. All you need is love right ?Oh.. & a miracle to get through the crazy adoption system here.
The people we work with & fellow adoptive parents never cease to amaze me with their kindness & generosity. They are completely sold out for these kids & getting them home. Having the week to hang out & talk with all the other families is awesome & uplifting in such a long & at times frustrating process.
We also accomplished some needed paperwork while in Haiti. The judge in Parquet is now requiring parents to come to Port Au Prince & sign in front of him so they know we have traveled to Haiti & met our child. It was VERY informal & quick. On the ride back to the hotel through downtown Port Au Prince I am grateful to know Vania is safe for now where she is & off the busy streets hopeful to bring her home soon.
Tomorrow will be difficult day. Please pray for us as we leave Vania & also for safe travel home.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Day 4
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sisters in Haiti
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009
Only One week !
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A response from our Senator
Dear Christopher:( Adam)
Thank you for getting in touch with me regarding proposed adoption legislation in Haiti.
The Haitian legislature is considering draft legislative proposals that would strengthen the regulation of both intercountry and domestic adoptions. While Haiti is not currently party to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, this legislation is an important move in that direction.
I share your concern that proper protocol and procedures must be followed to ensure an efficient and safe adoption process for children and parents. I will continue to monitor this situation and should legislation regarding this issue come before the Senate, I will certainly keep your views in mind.
Thank you again for getting in touch with me.
Sherrod Brown
United States Senator
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Happy Anniversary

12 years ago today, Adam & I officially started our family :) Adam & I went to the same small country high school. We knew each other and occasionally said hi, but we had different circles of friends. After high school we both ended up moving to the city to get our first apartments & go to college. An old chemistry partner of mine from high school, that Adam was still hanging out with, called information & happened to get my number ( after all how many Bambi's could there have been ? ) . My friends and his friends met up & the rest is history !
Thank you God for giving me such a wonderful husband & best friend ! Thank you for giving us such wonderful children to take care of & love . Thank you that you are in the buisness of building families in unique & different ways :)